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Ascension Generation
Soul Mastery
 [Four-Month Live Support]


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Spiritual Initiates


In Soul Mastery, you'll reawaken to embody the sacred god/dess that resides within you in order to understand the progression of your dreams within the day and the night, the understanding of your physical, emotional, and mental impulses, as well as the hidden causes of your attitudes and actions, through the identification of your archetypal blueprint, and the lessons being revealed to you by your soul. and so much more...


Imagine realizing and opening Inner seeing, visualization, and spiritual perception in your dreams and visions reflecting the spiritual action of the heaven worlds, the true heart's desire, and the dreams of your heart in a loving alliance where you are fully supported to become centered in the use of your soul-gifts and powers through the activation of your spiritual atoms.


I AM so excited to personally invite you to apply for Soul Mastery. This decision will forever change the course of your entire life and empower you to open revelatory powers and guidance in your consciousness for the  Illumination of your soul-powers.


Everything you receive in this immersive has been birthed out of my own pain and suffering calling out in the dark nights of my soul for miracle grace to heal and free me from the shackles that bound my heart, spirit, and soul. Through my own overcoming, I have honed the exact steps necessary to open and heal your wounded heart from the inside out.


Over the course of Soul Mastery, you'll receive powerful (R)evolutionary ascension codes and tools to accelerate the healing, activation, and remembrance of your Christ Body Template that has brought you here on a soul-star mission of awakening your heart as a wayshower of Sophia Christ Consciousness.


​Why take such a vulnerable journey alone when you can get support for your evolutionary awakening of Sophia Christ Consciousness with someone who has already taken the journey, along with a Divine Intercessory Council of Ascended Dragon Masters, Solar, and Galactic Archangels.


Let’s take this journey together god/dess . . . the Divine Feminine way! 


Soul-Star Family 



Anchor 1
00:00 / 02:01
00:00 / 04:18

Holy Moly!

Jessica C.

"Holy Moly! It is like “bam!” Christ energy in your aura. Then with my third eye I saw a hand on my shoulder, and this gold ring of energy came out like it was clearing my energy and with a deep voice I heard the words “no more.” I feel like whoever’s hand was on my shoulder was much bigger than I. It cleared everything out."

powerful beyond my understanding

Janice L., LMFT

"I had a very special session with Son’Yah. She is a guide that carries both power and tenderness. I felt completely supported by her generous sharing of wisdom. The Christ Codes are powerful beyond my understanding. I am still integrating the experience. The following morning, I awakened from a dream where I was repeating the mantra I was given to practice, over and over. Again this morning, I awoke with the mantra on my tongue, yet at this moment I cannot recall the words. I know it is working on me in my dream-time.... While I don’t have conscious awareness of all they bring, I have a knowing that they are blessing me in multidimensional ways."

Simple Process to Accelerate Higher Consciousness

Alice G.

"I've spent years working on raising my consciousness while trying to identify and release unconscious beliefs, emotions, stuck energy and patterns that are holding me back from my truth, wellbeing and a glorious ascension. The Christ Code Mantra is a gift that speeds up this process and helps identify and transmute the energies that are not serving me... I'm impressed by what this mantra and program offers!"

renewed sense of purpose, vigor and vitality

Ashley P.

"Two weeks later, I’m still feeling the effects of our session. I feel a renewed sense of purpose, vigor and vitality.  I have manifested multiple sources of income and Divine song is flowing through me in a way I have wanted for a majority of my life.  I’m finding such grace and ease in moving through resistances, fears and past traumas coming up to be released. Even in my dreams, I am integrating my shadow in new ways and finding myself to be the master I was seeking…”

clears a path to the doors that need to be opened

Matthew G.

"My experience of the Christ Codes is that it clears a path to the doors that need to be opened. This feeling stayed with me during my healing and afterwards opened up other doors – not for healing, but for embracing. 


"During my session, I perceived a sapphire blue star in the middle of the Plasma Code Mandala that I was meditating on. This star drew me in and I intermittently experienced feelings of my own power.  At this point, I was deep into the healing of abandonment issues and so my focus drifted. However, today I realized that the star was a portal that, with my acquiescence, my more expanded self has easy access to this waking consciousness. I feel totally different than I did even earlier today."

Immense Gratitude

Debra C.

"Everything you said today resonated within me with such alignment with my own life~experience and feeling~thought form that it was as though I was talking to myself listening to you!  I seem to be on the cusp of everything you are bringing into the conscious-light of my mind~heart~body.  I could take hours to go through each of the things you said and explore the worlds that were opening up in me, breath by breath..."

4  moduleS to support

YOUR STARGATE Dragon journey

Anchor 2

Stargate 1 ~ Soul Mastery

Orientation Ceremony

Resources: Orientation Module for Accessing Course Materials and Resources available to you throughout your journey into Stargate 3.  Includes ancillary materials, videos, white papers, tools, and more.

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Stargate 3 ~ Soul Mastery
Module 9: divine union

Christ Diamond Healing for Your Throat

3D Benefits: The Christ Air Codes free your voice from the bonds that have silenced you in life, in this and parallel lifestreams. Freeing the throat chakra from sworn oaths and vows that served another time empowers your words to create miracles in your life and for the earth. 


5D Benefits:  The healing and freeing of the throat chakra opens clear pathways to clear seeing for the purpose and use of your soul gifts, powers, and memory. When the throat, heart, and solar plexus are healed and aligned with Divine Will, you become a mighty manifestor for Sophia-God-Source.



Stargate 3 ~ Soul Mastery
Module 10: journey through the sun

Christ Diamond Healing for Your Third Eye

3D Benefits:  The Christ Aether Codes activate the Kings, Queens and Secret Chambers within your higher brain center for the awakening of Third Eye and expanded soul gifts and powers. 


5D Benefits:  The Aether Dragons support the activation of your Eternal Atom opening portals to conscious realization and unification of all your parallel lifetimes into zero-point consciousness. Accessing your akashic memories clears a path toward healing of the wounded heart in multiple lifestreams for mastery of your earth plane existence. 


stargate 3 ~ Soul Mastery
Module 11: The lions gate

Christ Diamond Healing for Your Soul

3D Benefits:  The Christ Bioplasma Codes activate the cerebral cortex, the center that controls attention, perception, awareness, thought, memory, language, and consciousness.  This center holds the key to stepping outside of physical reality into expanded awareness, the superconscious, and other dimensional realities for your ascension into Sophia Christ Consciousness.


5D Benefits: The Bioplasma Dragons support your full healing, illumination, and integration of your heart within the Tree or Ankh of Life. It is through the integration of your kundalini centers that you shed the limitations of form to move outside the space-time continuum to effect change not only here on earth but also throughout the quantum field. 




stargate 3 ~ Soul Mastery
Module 12:  the christ Dragons

Christ Diamond Healing for Your Spirit

3D Benefits:  The Christ Dragon Codes support the merging of your Soul Star and Earth Star with Your High Heart.​ As a fully embodied Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine god/dess of love and light, you enter into unity or Sophia Christ Consciousness with the power to create radical solutions for your life, the earth, and all of creation. 


5D Benefits: The Christ Dragons of Truth and Sovereignty are the twin double helix guardians to the heart of Sophia.  As the Alpha and Omega, they mark the end of your journey and the beginning of your next-level activations into the Christ Codes where you learn the ABCs of the Christ Diamond Light Language for birthing Heaven on Earth.


stargate 3 ~ Soul Mastery

Graduation Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony:  Celebration of the clearing and healing of your body, mind, spirit and soul; unification of your soul memories in parallel lifestreams, and greater understanding of your mythological soul journey, for embodiment of your Divine Self in Sophia Christ Consciousness.

Anchor 3

You'll Receive


  • Opening Orientation Session to support and guide you into birthing the new you fully aligned with your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine gifts, powers, and soul-memory for Ascension Mastery. ​​


  • 2-Monthly Group Sessions to zero in on your personal blocks, inhibitions, and core-wounds that keep you from fully showing up for your life, Divine Purpose, and Soul Mission.​​​


  • Q&A Sessions on how to successfully access your blocks, inhibitions, and core-wounds using the 3-Stage System of Christ Codes.​​​​​​


  • 20-Activation Codes for clearing, healing, and eliminating viral programs, blockages, inhibitions and core-wounds that keep you disconnected from your Divine Self, Soul Purpose and Mission. 


  • 20-DNA Embodiment Codes to anchor Sophia Christ Consciousness into your cellular DNA for quantum accelerated healing. 


  • Member Resource Library includes access to Replays of Bi-Monthly Group Sessions, including Healthcare Tools, Tips, and Resources, Bonus Materials, all from one location.


  • Online Support Modules includes four (4) online Monthly Course Modules, with Complimentary Tools, Videos, Guides, and Charts on the Christ Codes, Ascension, and PDF Printouts of the Christ Codes and Practices to support, enhance, and deepen your experience.​


  • Private Community Forum for online support with like-hearted souls to support and share your sol-journ and to answer your questions throughout your journey.


  • Graduation Ceremony celebrating the recovery, healing and unification of your multidimensional lifestreams for ascension into Sophia Christ Consciousness.


  • Eligibility for Admission into the Christ Codes Certification Program.​​

Anchor 4

6-Reasons why you should

Take Action Now




  • Suffering is a perpetual addiction that keeps repeating itself in new forms of expression.


  • You have suffered enough in all lifetimes.


  • You have the power to ascend off the karmic wheel of pain and suffering in this lifetime.


  • It's time to create the life and world you've only dared to dream about.


  • It's time to start living in Sophia Christ Consciousness with perfect health, joy, prosperity and peace.


  • You are here to birth miracles on earth for a new paradigm of BEing.


  • You are here to bring Heaven on Earth. 

Anchor 5



Claim Your Spot!

Anchor 6



Ascension Mastery

Soul Mastery


(Space is Limited)



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